I need a little help in the following. I have this kind of datafile:
0 0 # <--- Group 1 -- 1 house (0) and 1 room (0)
0 0 # <--- Group 2 -- 2 ho
I would first define a House class and a Group class:
class House:
def __init__(self, rooms):
self.rooms = rooms
class Group:
def __init__(self, index, houses):
self.index = index
# houses.values() is a list with number of rooms for each house.
self.houses = [House(houses[house_nr]) for house_nr in sorted(houses)]
def __str__(self):
return 'Group {}'.format(self.index)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Group {}'.format(self.index)
Then parse the data into this hierarchical structure:
with open('in.txt') as f:
groups = []
# Variable to accumulate current group.
group = collections.defaultdict(int)
i = 1
for line in f:
if not line.strip():
# Empty line found, create a new group.
groups.append(Group(i, group))
# Reset accumulator.
group = collections.defaultdict(int)
i += 1
house_nr, room_nr = line.split()
group[house_nr] += 1
# Create the last group at EOF
groups.append(Group(i, group))
Then you can do stuff like this:
found = filter(
lambda g:
len(g.houses) == 1 and # Group contains one house
g.houses[0].rooms == 1, # First house contains one room
print(list(found)) # Prints [Group 1, Group 5, Group 6]
found = filter(
lambda g:
len(g.houses) == 2 and # Group contains two houses
g.houses[0].rooms == 3 and # First house contains three rooms
g.houses[1].rooms == 2, # Second house contains two rooms
print(list(found)) # Prints [Group 2]