I’ve written some code on my .htaccess file which allows the use of SEO friendly URLs instead of ugly query strings. The following code rewrites the SEO friendly version in
This should do the trick:
RewriteEngine On
## Redirect to pretty urls
# The '%1' in the rewrite comes from the group in the previous RewriteCond
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !seo
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^size=large&colour=green&pattern=([a-zA-Z]*)$
RewriteRule (.*) /directory\/seo\/%1\/? [L,R=301]
## Rewrite to long url, additional parameter at the end will cause
## the internal redirect not to match the previous rule (would cause redirect loop)
RewriteRule ^directory\/seo\/([^/]*)/$ /directory/script.php? size=large&colour=green&pattern=$1&rewrite [L]
You can also match the size and colour if needed, by changing those to regex groups as well, and using the corresponding %N
Hope this helps.