I have a lot of ckeditors on one web page for students to enter their data. I have a lot of ckeditors because each one is for one variable. Unfortunately, an input text fiel
but the total number of ckeditors on the web page is almost 425.
Have you ever tried to open any application 425 times at the same time? 425 tab in your browser, 425 Wordpads, 425 of whatever? I don't think so.
So the answer is very short - you're doing it wrong. You should not initialize all editors at once. Load them on demand when needed and destroy when not needed. User can't edit 425 text at the same time anyway.
The longer answer is that classic editor is the heaviest one because it uses . So when you initialize 425 you initialize 425 iframes. Inline editors are much lighter. There's also a divarea plugin which makes the classic editor use inline editable element instead of
, so it's lighter too.
But the answer is still - you're doing it wrong.