Hi Iam trying to set firefox profile name in environment settings of intern config file.I have tried
environments: [
{ browserName: \'firefox\',firefox_p
I used @jason0x43 suggestion to rely on the firefox-profile Node.js module and I've created the following grunt task fireforProfile4selenium
. With a simple configuration set into the Gruntfile.js
, the plugin writes a file on disk with the Base64 encoded version of a zipped profile!
Here is the grunt configuration:
firefoxProfile4selenium: {
options: {
proxy: {
host: '...',
port: ...
bypass: [ 'localhost', '', '...' ]
default: {
files: [{
dest: 'firefoxProfile.b64.txt'
Here is the plugin:
/*global require, module*/
var fs = require('fs'),
FirefoxProfile = require('firefox-profile'),
taskName = 'firefoxProfile4selenium';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
grunt.registerMultiTask(taskName, 'Prepares a Firefox profile for Selenium', function () {
var done = this.async(),
firefoxProfile = new FirefoxProfile(),
options = this.options(),
host = this.options().proxy.host,
port = this.options().proxy.host,
bypass = this.options().bypass,
dest = this.files[0].dest;
// Set the configuration type for considering the custom settings
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.type', 2);
// Set the proxy host
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.ftp', host);
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.http', host);
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.socks', host);
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.ssl', host);
// Set the proxy port
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.ftp_port', port);
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.http_port', port);
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.socks_port', port);
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.ssl_port', port);
// Set the list of hosts that should bypass the proxy
firefoxProfile.setPreference('network.proxy.no_proxies_on', bypass.join(','));
firefoxProfile.encoded(function (zippedProfile) {
fs.writeFile(dest, zippedProfile, function (error) {
done(error); // FYI, done(null) reports a success, otherwise it's a failure