No, it's not possible.
There is no syntax with which you can provide explicit template parameters to a constructor template. You can only provide explicit template parameters for the class template as a whole.
The following text from [temp.arg.explicit]
(2003 wording, 14.8.1/5) covers the scenario. Though the clause is non-normative, it serves to explain to us that, as an inherent restriction of the grammar, this is not possible:
Note: because the explicit template
argument list follows the function
template name, and because conversion
member function templates and
constructor member function templates
are called without using a function
name, there is no way to provide an
explicit template argument list for
these function templates.
This, partially, comes out of the fact that you never actually invoke the constructor explicitly yourself. When you write, say, A()
you are not calling the constructor like a function, even though it looks as if you are ("conversion member function templates and constructor member function templates are called without using a function name").