I am very new to Microcontroller programming particularly PIC18F87J11, and I am using MPLAB C18 compiler. I was reading the datasheet for various topics such as saving to me
Without access to the compiler I can't test this, but the MPLAB C18 C Compiler User's Guide and Release Notes which I found here states:
2.8.2 Inline Assembly
MPLAB C18 provides an internal assembler using a syntax similar to the MPASM assembler. The block of assembly code must begin with
and end with_endasm
. The syntax within the block is:
[label:] [
[arg1[, arg2[, arg3]]]]
So, it would seem to me that one solution might be to embed something like this in your .C file
void myAsmFunction()
// The asm code you've been looking at
Then call myAsmFunction from wherever appropriate. If you're wanting to include parameters and return values then it gets a little trickier.