I am making a batch file so that I just tell it what kind of formula I need to use and it tells me what variables I need to input. Right now, I am coding it so that it will
You can try it like that with a batch file :
@echo off
set /p "TriangleB=How long is the base of the triangle ? (Don't put the unit, just put the number): "
set /p "TriangleH=What is the height of the triangle ? (Don't put the unit, just put the number): "
set /p "TriangleAreaUnit=What unit is the triangle being measured in ?: "
Call :makevbs %TriangleB% %TriangleH%
echo The area of the triangle is %TriangleArea% %TriangleAreaUnit%^2.
pause >nul
Exit /b
echo wscript.echo Eval( wscript.Arguments(0^) * wscript.Arguments(1^) / 2^) > "%tmp%\%~n0.vbs"
for /f %%A in ('cscript /nologo "%tmp%\%~n0.vbs" %~1 %~2') do set TriangleArea=%%A
exit /b