I\'m trying to list the connected adb devices and prompt the user to select a line to deploy an APK to.
So far I\'ve tried:
for %%i in (adb devices)
I tested this with the example you provided. Just modify :DoIt
to do whatever it is you want to do with the available Id.
@rem @set prompt=$G
@set _command=adb.cmd
@set _count=0
@for /f "tokens=1,*" %%G in ('%_command% devices') do @call :AddAndDisplayDevice %%G "%%H"
@set /p _choice=Enter number from above menu:
@if not defined _%_choice% @goto :BadSelection "%_choice%"
@call :DoIt %_choice%
@exit /b 0
@set /a _count+=1
@echo %_count%. %*
@call :SetVar %_count% %1
@call :SetVar %_count%_description %2
@exit /b 0
@rem Up to you whether to loop back and try again.
@echo Bad choice: %_choice%
@exit /b -1
@set _Id=!_%1!
@rem set _
@echo User selected %1, device Id %_Id%.
@exit /b 0
@set _%1=%2
@exit /b 0
Adb.cmd, for testing:
@echo f2ea3410 device
@echo f2fa3410 device