I am using the Selenium 2 Java API to interact with web pages. My question is: How can i detect the content type of link destinations?
Basically, this is the backgro
As Jochen suggests, the way to get the Content-type without also downloading the content is HTTP HEAD
, and the selenium webdrivers does not seem to offer functionality like that. You'll have to find another library to help you with fetching the content type of an url.
A Java library that can do this is Apache HttpComponents, especially HttpClient.
(The following code is untested)
HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpHead httphead = new HttpHead("http://foo/bar");
HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httphead);
BasicHeader contenttypeheader = response.getFirstHeader("Content-Type");
The project publishes JavaDoc for HttpClient, the documentation for the HttpClient interface contains a nice example.