I am trying to make an app where the user enters some text in a textfield and then the app displays this text in front of the ar camera to the user. I positioned the text co
You cannot use the matrix identity for any orientation, it has to be rotated depending on device orientation. I have a function in my apps that I call to update that before I perform the matrix multiplication :
var translation = matrix_identity_float4x4
func updateTranslationMatrix() {
switch UIDevice.current.orientation{
case .portrait, .portraitUpsideDown, .unknown, .faceDown, .faceUp:
print("portrait ")
translation.columns.0.x = -cos(.pi/2)
translation.columns.0.y = sin(.pi/2)
translation.columns.1.x = -sin(.pi/2)
translation.columns.1.y = -cos(.pi/2)
case .landscapeLeft :
print("landscape left")
translation.columns.0.x = 1
translation.columns.0.y = 0
translation.columns.1.x = 0
translation.columns.1.y = 1
case .landscapeRight :
print("landscape right")
translation.columns.0.x = cos(.pi)
translation.columns.0.y = -sin(.pi)
translation.columns.1.x = sin(.pi)
translation.columns.1.y = cos(.pi)
translation.columns.3.z = -0.6 //60cm in front of the camera