I currently have a query that will pull a bunch of information from my database based on whatever where
condition that I want to use.
declare @C
With help from the link that @Norman posted I figured it out. I wanted to post my solution for others to see.
declare @CaseNum varchar(MAX),
@ImportId varchar(MAX)
set @CaseNum = ''
set @ImportId = ''
If(@CaseNum = '') --Sets the parameter to NULL for COALESCE to work
Select @CaseNum = NULL
If(@ImportId = '') --Sets the parameter to NULL for COALESCE to work
Select @ImportId = NULL
query in here
gr.[CaseNum] = COALESCE(@CaseNum, gr.[CaseNum])
and im.ImportId = COALESCE(@ImportId, im.ImportId)
This solution allows the query to use just a single parameter or all at the same time.