I am facing Database timed-out issue while creating a view and/or rebasing a stream on vobs
ERROR -> cleartool: Error: Database timed out -- aborting tran
Database timed out error is resolved after following this http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21133944
- Lock the VOB (if you receive errors from the lock command, proceed to step 2.)
- Unmount the VOB
- Kill any lingering VOB processes on the server using the albd_list utility. Note: Review technote 1148639 for more details on albd_list and its usage. Should some ClearCase processes still exist that are accessing the transaction files and preventing you from deleting them, you must completely - stop ClearCase on the server to end those processes.
- Move the vista.tjf, vista.tcf, vista.taf files out of the VOB db directory Refer to technote 1149322 About ClearCase database vista.* files for further information about these files.
- Remount the VOB
The files will be recreated and the VOB will be functional
Note: If the files are not recreated, stop and restart ClearCase services on the host.