i need to be able to change the IP address of a server using PHP. i\'m trying to use ifconfig eth0 down
as the www-data
user to make sure it will
i figured this out. the answer was to add the www-data
user (or whatever the name of your server user is) to the admin group with usermod -a -G admin www-data
. if you take a look at /etc/sudoers
, you'll notice that anyone in this group can perform sudo
commands without a password prompt using sudo -n
. made a quick code change:
//if the ip has changed, bring down the network interface and bring it up with the new IP
if($ipConf != $ip) {
$ifdownSuccess = exec("sudo -n ifconfig eth0 down", $downOutput, $downRetvar);
$ifupSuccess = exec("sudo -n ifconfig eth0 up ".$ip, $upOutput, $upRetvar);
//TODO: check for ifupSucess and revert to old ip if the command failed
and i'm now in business. was able to connect on the new IP address via SSH and view webpages via the new IP as well.