I have an object tree like the following, which I need to serialize and store on the filesystem. I need the full hierarchy with all class properties and later I will unseria
I have implemented serialize() and unserialize() in every affected class like this:
public function serialize() {
$res = array();
$reflect = new \ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
$propList = $reflect->getProperties();
foreach($propList as $prop) {
if ($prop->class != __CLASS__) {
continue; // visible properties of base clases
$name = $prop->name;
$res[$name . ":" . __CLASS__] = serialize($this->$name);
if (method_exists(get_parent_class(__CLASS__), "serialize")) {
$base = unserialize(parent::serialize());
$res = array_merge($res, $base);
return serialize($res);
public function unserialize($data) {
$values = unserialize($data);
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
// key contains propertyName:className
$prop = explode(":", $key);
if ($prop[1] != __CLASS__) {
$this->$prop[0] = unserialize($value);
// call base class
if (method_exists(get_parent_class(__CLASS__), "unserialize")) {
Maybe there is a solution to add this functionality to a base class to prevent code copies. It should work with simple properties, arrays and objects also for large object trees with multiple levels of parent classes.