The code below is working perfectly but I need to add a new functionality to allow the user to filter on a range of records based on their start date and end date, the user
You should be able to put that code anywhere within your javascript after you build the table.
You just have to change these lines like so:
function( oSettings, aData, iDataIndex ) {
var iFini = document.getElementById('datepickerStart').value;
var iFfin = document.getElementById('datepickerEnd').value;
var iStartDateCol = 4;
var iEndDateCol = 5;
iFini=iFini.substring(6,10) + iFini.substring(3,5)+ iFini.substring(0,2);
iFfin=iFfin.substring(6,10) + iFfin.substring(3,5)+ iFfin.substring(0,2);
var datofini=aData[iStartDateCol].substring(6,10) + aData[iStartDateCol].substring(3,5)+ aData[iStartDateCol].substring(0,2);
var datoffin=aData[iEndDateCol].substring(6,10) + aData[iEndDateCol].substring(3,5)+ aData[iEndDateCol].substring(0,2);
if ( iFini === "" && iFfin === "" )
return true;
else if ( iFini <= datofini && iFfin === "")
return true;
else if ( iFfin >= datoffin && iFini === "")
return true;
else if (iFini <= datofini && iFfin >= datoffin)
return true;
return false;