i am attempting to turn a json string into objects with gson.
I have a very simple example below, and it runs, but the resulting answer is empty, ie: my Answer objec
Because your JSON doesn't match your class.
Your JSON right now is an array of objects, each containing an answer
object as a field.
Your JSON the way you have things would need to look like:
String jsonOutput = "[{\"text\":\"text1\"},{\"text\":\"text2\"}]";
Edit to add from comments:
If you can't change the output, you need a "wrapper". Something like:
public class AnswerWrapper {
public Answer answer;
// etc
And use an array of those. That is what the JSON will map to. It can't see them as Answer
objects because ... they're not.
One More Edit to Add: Your other option is to write custom deserializers for your classes. I'm a bit mixed on whether you should do this or not, but it will work. The reason I say that is that you have JSON that isn't an array of Answer
objects, but you want it to be. I think I'd be annoyed if I came across this in production code because without understanding what was going on it could be confusing.
With that caveat being said, you can create a custom JsonDeserializer
and use GsonBuilder
class AnswerDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer {
public Answer deserialize(JsonElement je, Type type,
JsonDeserializationContext jdc)
throws JsonParseException {
return new Answer(je.getAsJsonObject().get("answer")
Then your code would look like:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
String jsonOutput = "[{\"answer\":{\"text\":\"text1\"}},{\"answer\":{\"text\":\"text2\"}} ]";
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(Answer.class, new AnswerDeserializer());
Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create();
Answer[] a = gson.fromJson(jsonOutput, Answer[].class);
for(Answer i:a) {
If it were me, and I had JSON that wasn't what I needed it to be but wanted to use GSON to directly serialize/deserialize I'd create the Answer
class as a wrapper that hid the details:
* Due to how our JSON is being provided we created an inner
* class.
public class Answer {
private RealAnswer answer;
private class RealAnswer {
public String text;
With the public getters/setters for Answer
accessing the private RealAnswer
. It just seems way cleaner and easier to understand for the next guy.