I am so used to attach a process when debugging ASP.NET application in .NET 2.0 and VS.NET 2005. I don\'t know what happened to this functionality in VS.NET 2008.
Help came from Mitchel Sellers. He pointed out that the debug mode was ok however while attaching to the process, the "Attach To" was "Automatic:Native Code".
After changing to only "Managed Code" or simply by selecting "Managed Code" it started working.
Thanks Mitchel.
And here is the final words from Mitchel:
The "Script" option, is for classic ASP scripts, which ALWAYS run in 32 bit mode, thus debugging T-SQL and Script at the same time results in the "mixed mode", as T-SQL is 64 bit by default. Additionally without the "Managed" option selected, you would never be able to debug anyway.
Now, as to why it was different? I'm not sure, but once you change it you should be set to go for the future.