Ok, so I\'m a complete beginner with Rx and unfortunately very new to js and streams in js as well. Im using this https://github.com/trygve-lie/twitter-stream-api to connect
RxJS 5 doesn't have any methods to convert stream from/to an Observable so you'll need to do this by yourself. Ideally with Observable.create
const Rx = require('rxjs');
const Observable = Rx.Observable;
var TwitterStream = require('twitter-stream-api'),
var source$ = Observable.create(observer => {
var Twitter = new TwitterStream(keys);
Twitter.stream('statuses/filter', {
track: filter
Twitter.on('data', function (obj) {
return () => {
This makes a cold Observable that'll connect to Twitter only when you subscribe to it. The Observable.create
static methods let's you push values to the observer and at the end return a tear down function then just closes the connection. This function is called when you unsubscribe or when the Observable completes.
Then you can chain this Observable with whatever you want:
Note, that there're also methods Observable.bindCallback()
and Observable.bindNodeCallback()
but these wouldn't help you much in your situation.
Read more: