I want to develop a java-application (for pc) which can upload any picture to Google Cloud Storage. Although I have spent my whole evening on searching for a solution, I don
You can public your file, and then the media link of the blob can access anywhere.
This is my solution.
try {
FileInputStream serviceAccount =
new FileInputStream("firebaseKey/serviceAccountKey.json");
FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder()
FirebaseApp fireApp = FirebaseApp.initializeApp(options);
StorageClient storageClient = StorageClient.getInstance(fireApp);
InputStream testFile = new FileInputStream(file.getPath());
String blobString = "NEW_FOLDER/" + "FILE_NAME.jpg";
Blob blob = storageClient.bucket("xxxxxx.appspot.com")
.create(blobString, testFile , Bucket.BlobWriteOption.userProject("xxxxxxx"));
blob.getStorage().createAcl(blob.getBlobId(), Acl.of(Acl.User.ofAllUsers(), Acl.Role.READER));
} catch (Exception e){