I want to capture output from a C program I\'m launching like this:
p = subprocess.Popen([\"make\", \"run_pci\"],
The reason you need to use pexpect is that the program's stdio will use block buffering if it is not connected to a tty. pexpect
uses a pseudo-tty (pty) so stdio will use line buffering and you will be able to access lines as they are output.
Change your code to:
p = pexpect.spawn('make', ['run_pci'], cwd="/home/ecorbett/hello_world_pthread")
for ln in p:
You can use pexpect.spawn.expect
to just get the output you're interested in:
while p.expect('Thread on Tile (\d+):', pexpect.EOF) == 0:
print("Tile {0}".format(int(p.group[1])))