Basically I\'m using this tutorial: HTML FORM
Everything is working as it should but one flow I\'ve found is that everyone can see the URL
for your
First you can use the required attribute on mandatory fields for client-side:
But you will need to verify server-side in case the user modified the form. You can use empty() on any variable ($_POST
or $_GET
if (empty($_POST['mandatory_field'])) {
// print error message or redirect to form page
You can use isset() to verify if a field is submitted. Your validation could be:
if (!isset($_POST['mandatory_field']) || empty($_POST['mandatory_field'])) {
// print error message or redirect to form page
Other cases:
If all fields are mandatory you could check with in_array():
if (in_array(false, $_POST)) {
// print error message or redirect to form page
If doing various data validation here is what I use to do with forms:
$errors = [
'empty field' => empty($_POST['field']),
'another error message' => $another_condition
if (in_array(true, $errors)) {
$error_message = array_search(true, $errors);
// print or redirect, and you can tell the user what is wrong