I am trying to find a way to retrieve the JSON version of an Azure Resource Group that I created in the portal. I\'ve looked through all the PowerShell documentation, tried
While it is possible to retrieve the JSON for a resource group from the Azure Resource Explorer, there are some caveats you need to be aware of.
Resource Explorer is a tool that describes the current runtime configuration rather than the deployment configuration that a resource template does. While it is primarily the same language there are a number of subtle differences.
For instance resource explorer will tell you the IP address that is assigned to a NIC, which isn't something that is possible to assign from a template.
While they can be a good starting point for building resource templates you will need to go through them and clean out the extraneous information.
Personally my three calling points in building resource templates are
Azure Resource Explorer
Azure Quickstart Templates
Azure Resource Manager Schemas
Between the three of those you can usually put together some concise, powerful templates.
There is a feedback item that is 'under review' to allow for the creation of full ARM templates from existing resource groups.