I am following documentation located at: https://www.firebase.com/docs/ios/guide/offline-capabilities.html#section-connection-state
However, my implementation and te
As a suggestion, you may want to add some additional functionality;
If you want to know about the users connection to Firebase, you should observe the .info/connected path, as stated in the docs.
The design pattern I use is to set up a global app variable called isConnected, and attach a Firebase observer to the .info/connected path.
Then in my app wherever I need to know if the user is connected or not, I attach a KVO Observer to my global isConnected var.
When the user disconnects (or connects), the Firebase observer is called which sets isConnected = false (or true).
Then, any places in my app that are observing the isConnected var is notified of the disconnect/connect and can take appropriate action.
Here's the code
let connectedRef = rootRef.childByAppendingPath(".info/connected")
connectedRef.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
self.isConnected = snapshot.value as! Bool //KVO property
//this is just so you can see it's being set, remove
if ( self.isConnected == true ) {
} else {
print("not connected")
// testing code