I have a Netware uniFlow device. When I plug it in it shows up in dmesg:
[ 2962.369905] usb 2-1.4: new full-speed USB device number 11 using ehci-pci
[ 2962.
In my experience, you have to have set up a rules file for the device for the udev system
Something along the lines of:
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="171b", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2001", MODE="660", GROUP="plugdev"
in a file called /lib/udev/rules.d/50-YourSoftwareName.rules
(for example, dig around in man udev
for file naming rules but 50-usbhax.rules
should do)
Add your username to the plugdev
adduser username plugdev
Reload rules
sudo udevadm control --reload
(that is minus minus reload)
sudo udevadm trigger
Unplug and replug the device or reboot your machine and see if it works.
NOTE: Some systems use the group input
rather than plugdev
, so edit the above accordingly.
To check what your system uses have a look at the group
name for the relevant entries in /dev/usb
or /dev/input