Use header in addition to method to route request to annotated method

前端 未结 2 985
北荒 2021-01-15 12:49

I wonder if it\'s possible with JAX-RS to route a request using an header in addition to the HTTP method. In fact, I can\'t find out the way to do that.

I thought ab

  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-15 13:43

    Just throw in another option. You can also use Sub-resource locators, which give us some control over the chosen resource (and is part of the JAX-RS spec). For example

    public class ContactsResource {
        public AbstractHeaderResource doSomething(@HeaderParam("X-Header") String xHeader) {
            if ("RequiredValue".equals(xHeader)) {
                return new WithHeaderResource();
            return new WithOutHeaderResource();
        public static abstract class AbstractHeaderResource {
            public abstract Response doSometing(Contact contact);
        public static class WithHeaderResource extends AbstractHeaderResource {
            public Response doSometing(Contact contact) {
                return Response.ok("*** With Header ***").build();
        public static class WithOutHeaderResource extends AbstractHeaderResource {
            public Response doSometing(Contact contact) {
                return Response.ok("*** WithOut Header ***").build();


    C:\>curl -v -X POST  
             -d "{\"name\":\"Peeskillet\"}" 
             -H "X-Header:RequiredValue" 
             -H "Content-Type:application/json"
    *** With Header ****
    C:\>curl -v -X POST  
             -d "{\"name\":\"Peeskillet\"}"  
             -H "Content-Type:application/json"
    *** WithOut Header ****

    The resource methods don't have to accept the same parameter type. I did it just for brevity. You can have the sub resource classes extend an empty abstract class or interface (just for typing), and create the methods however you want
