I am experimenting with integrating a Firebase-backed RecyclerView in a React Native app. With hardcoded data it works well, but upon inserting rows loaded dynamically and c
The problem is that requestLayout
does not work well when the RecyclerView
is a native UI component.
The following hack made all those issues go away:
I now overwrite the requestLayout
method inside my RecyclerView
Then before any notify*
method, or even scrollToPosition
calls or any method that invokes a re-layout, I allow my custom requestLayout
method to force a re-layout.
The end result looks like this:
private boolean mRequestedLayout = false;
public void aMethodThatUpdatesStuff(int indexToUpdate, ReadableMap updatedChild) {
final SPAdapter adapter = (SPAdapter) getAdapter();
mRequestedLayout = false;
adapter.updateDataAtIndex(indexToUpdate, updatedChild); // <-- this runs notifyItemChanged inside
public void requestLayout() {
// We need to intercept this method because if we don't our children will never update
// Check https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49371866/recyclerview-wont-update-child-until-i-scroll
if (!mRequestedLayout) {
mRequestedLayout = true;
this.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mRequestedLayout = false;
layout(getLeft(), getTop(), getRight(), getBottom());
onLayout(false, getLeft(), getTop(), getRight(), getBottom());