I\'m looking for a fast method to efficiently compute (a
) modulo n
(in the mathematical sense of that) for
Having no inline assembly kind of sucks. Anyway, the function call overhead is actually extremely small. Parameters are passed in volatile registers and no cleanup is needed.
I don't have an assembler, and x64 targets don't support __asm, so I had no choice but to "assemble" my function from opcodes myself.
Obviously it depends on . I'm using mpir (gmp) as a reference to show the function produces correct results.
#include "stdafx.h"
// mulmod64(a, b, m) == (a * b) % m
typedef uint64_t(__cdecl *mulmod64_fnptr_t)(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t m);
uint8_t mulmod64_opcodes[] = {
0x48, 0x89, 0xC8, // mov rax, rcx
0x48, 0xF7, 0xE2, // mul rdx
0x4C, 0x89, 0xC1, // mov rcx, r8
0x48, 0xF7, 0xF1, // div rcx
0x48, 0x89, 0xD0, // mov rax,rdx
0xC3 // ret
mulmod64_fnptr_t mulmod64_fnptr;
void init() {
DWORD dwOldProtect;
// NOTE: reinterpret byte array as a function pointer
mulmod64_fnptr = (mulmod64_fnptr_t)(void*)mulmod64_opcodes;
int main() {
uint64_t a64 = 2139018971924123ull;
uint64_t b64 = 1239485798578921ull;
uint64_t m64 = 8975489368910167ull;
// reference code
mpz_t a, b, c, m, r;
mpz_inits(a, b, c, m, r, NULL);
mpz_set_ui(a, a64);
mpz_set_ui(b, b64);
mpz_set_ui(m, m64);
mpz_mul(c, a, b);
mpz_mod(r, c, m);
gmp_printf("(%Zd * %Zd) mod %Zd = %Zd\n", a, b, m, r);
// using mulmod64
uint64_t r64 = mulmod64_fnptr(a64, b64, m64);
printf("(%llu * %llu) mod %llu = %llu\n", a64, b64, m64, r64);
return 0;