I have a dataset for which I want to summarise by mean, but also calculate the max to just 1 of the variables.
Let me start with an example of what I would like to a
I was looking for something similar and tried the following. It works well and much easier to read than the suggested solutions.
iris %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
filter(Sepal.Length > 5) %>%
MeanSepalWidth = mean(Sepal.Width),
# A tibble: 3 x 6
Species MeanSepalLength MeanSepalWidth MeanPetalLength MeanPetalWidth MaxPetalWidth
1 setosa 5.01 3.43 1.46 0.246 0.6
2 versicolor 5.94 2.77 4.26 1.33 1.8
3 virginica 6.59 2.97 5.55 2.03 2.5
In summarise() part, define your column name and give your column to summarise inside your function of choice.