I have a sparse matrix that is not symmetric I.E. the sparsity is somewhat random, and I can\'t count on all the values being a set distance away from the diagonal.
I would implement this as a ragged array, with A[n][0] always returning the element on the diagonal. A[n][1] will return the item just to the right of the diagonal, A[n][2] will return the item to the left of the diagonal, and so. Then, you just need a function that maps matrix index [i,j] to ragged array index[r][s].
This has the advantage of sparsity, and if your values stay close to the diagonal the arrays are not very long.
Alternatively, you could have this definition:
struct Row
int InitialOffset;
int NumElements;
int[] Values;
Then you would have a Row[]. Retrieving a value based on matrix index would look like this:
//matrix is merely an array of rows...
int GetValue(*matrix this, int i, int j)
Row CurrentRow = (*this)[i];
if (CurrentRow.InitialOffset > j)
return 0;
else if (CurrentRow.InitialOffset + CurrentRow.NumElements < j)
return 0;
return CurrentRow.Values[j - CurrentRow.InitialOffset]
My C syntax is a little hazy, but you should get the idea.
Based on your demonstration, I would recommend this:
struct Matrix
int[,] Data
int[] StartOffset;
int[] NumberElements;
Used as follows...
int GetValue(*Matrix this, int i, int j)
if (this.StartOffset[i] > j)
return 0;
else if (this.StartOffset[i] + this.NumberElements[i] < j)
return 0;
return this.Data[i, j-this.StartOffset[i]];
Your initialization procedure would look something like this
//Data is a struct that holds row index, col index, and value
Matrix* InitMatrix (*Data values, int numVals)
//loop through values to find longest row and number of rows
//create new matrix, malloc matrix for longrow * numRows
//malloc numrows elements for StartOffset and NumItems
//foreach row, find min() and max()-min() of col indexs and
//store in StartOffset and NumItems
You need to do some processing, but data compression isn't cheap.