Continuing on my question here: Jenkins pass or fail build on external executable
My build process now builds from source using MS Build, and executes a custom progr
Me again :)
On the simplest end of the spectrum, to simply add another link on the sidebar, along with "Changes" and "Status" links, there is a sidebar-link plugin
It allows you to create a link on the job page (not individual job runs however), which can link to a absolute or a relative (to job's configuration) location. You can reference a file within the workspace by putting the following into the link URL:
This however implies that the file is always present in workspace, and at best it would show the result of the last job execution. Also, clicking the link would take you to the file in workspace, it won't show the rest of the Jenkins UI anymore.
A more advanced approach would be to use a Groovy Script
Look at examples #1 and #6
The stuff next to yellow exclamation icon is what had been added to the job's status page by this plugin, and this is fully customizable and allows HTML code. This however requires knowing Groovy script, but the examples provide enough to do something quick