I am working with the gmapsdistance
package in R. I have my API key, and I am familiar with the functions within the package.
However, I would like to w
If you want to render in leaflet and use a free isochrone service, this is a pretty neat option. There is a limit of 2 hours drive away though.
Sys.setenv(MAPZEN_KEY = "") # get for free at https://mapzen.com/
marimar <- mz_geocode("Marimar, FL")
isos <- mz_isochrone(
costing_model = mz_costing$auto(),
contours = mz_contours(c(60 * 2)) # 2 hours
leaflet(as_sp(isos)) %>%
addProviderTiles("CartoDB.DarkMatter") %>%
addPolygons(color = ~paste0("#", color), weight = 1)