I was trying to change hello_world
to helloWorld
by this snippet of code (Swift 3.0):
import Foundation
let oldLine = \"hello_worl
This doesn't answer the question pertaining regex, but might be of interest for readers not necessarily needing to use regex to perform this task (rather, using native Swift)
extension String {
func camelCased(givenSeparators separators: [Character]) -> String {
let charChunks = characters.split { separators.contains($0) }
guard let firstChunk = charChunks.first else { return self }
return String(firstChunk).lowercased() + charChunks.dropFirst()
.map { String($0).onlyFirstCharacterUppercased }.joined()
// helper (uppercase first char, lowercase rest)
var onlyFirstCharacterUppercased: String {
let chars = characters
guard let firstChar = chars.first else { return self }
return String(firstChar).uppercased() + String(chars.dropFirst()).lowercased()
/* Example usage */
let oldLine1 = "hello_world"
let oldLine2 = "fOo_baR BAX BaZ_fOX"
print(oldLine1.camelCased(givenSeparators: ["_"])) // helloWorld
print(oldLine2.camelCased(givenSeparators: ["_", " "])) // fooBarBazBazFox