How do I style the bars to have border-radius
in my chart as in the snapshot below?
SVG element doesn't allow to round only some specific corners. You have to use the
SVG element. You can use the function given by stackmate in svg / d3.js rounded corner on one corner of a rectangle to build the path:
x: x-coordinate
y: y-coordinate
w: width
h: height
r: corner radius
tl: top_left rounded?
tr: top_right rounded?
bl: bottom_left rounded?
br: bottom_right rounded?
function rounded_rect(x, y, w, h, r, tl, tr, bl, br) {
var retval;
retval = "M" + (x + r) + "," + y;
retval += "h" + (w - 2*r);
if (tr) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + r + "," + r; }
else { retval += "h" + r; retval += "v" + r; }
retval += "v" + (h - 2*r);
if (br) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + -r + "," + r; }
else { retval += "v" + r; retval += "h" + -r; }
retval += "h" + (2*r - w);
if (bl) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + -r + "," + -r; }
else { retval += "h" + -r; retval += "v" + -r; }
retval += "v" + (2*r - h);
if (tl) { retval += "a" + r + "," + r + " 0 0 1 " + r + "," + -r; }
else { retval += "v" + -r; retval += "h" + r; }
retval += "z";
return retval;
Then you have to call this function inside the D3.js attr()
function. The first parameter is "d"
the name of the
attribute corresponding to the path string and the second attribute is a function generating this string from your data.
.data(function(d) { return d.ages;})
var round;
return rounded_rect(0,
.style("fill", function(d) { return color(; });
Here is a fork of your jsFiddle rounding the rectangles as in your snapshot.