If you know about Compatibility Test Suit for Android. Please send us the information regarding source code downloading of CTS, environment setup, building and execution.
To download the CTS compilable code you follow the instructions out here
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-4.0.3_r1
If you work for some of the OEM's Google will provide special cts branches, if not, you'll have to do with the above branch.
To build and run CTS :
cd /path/to/android/root
./cts/development/ide/eclipse/genclasspath.sh > .classpath
chmod u+w .classpath
cd /path/to/android/root
make cts
This answer obviously applies to 4.0.3 version of Android. Things may or may not change from Jelly Bean onwards.