So im currently trying to adapt some previous code to use with dynamic dropdownlists, the problem seems to be that the cascadeFrom property only takes an id. So i need to us
Add a change event or maybe try an onclose event if it isn't picking up the correct value to "dropdown1"
On that change event get the value of that selected item
var advertiserId = $("#AdvertiserDDL").val();
clear the contents of "dropdown2" and re read the data source
var opportunity = $("#OpportunityDDL").data("kendoDropDownList");{ Id: advertiserId });
EDIT:: I think it's cleaner to call a JS function on the change event of the 1st ddl
YourFunction() {
var ddlID = appendedForms.val()
var formFields = $(appendedFormFields).data("kendoDropDownList");{ formId: ddlID });
No you can name that property whatever you want, just make sure the property of the data function matches the parameter in the controller. Just to be safe I make{ formId: ddlID });
different variables