I want to implement the following function:
public boolean checkType(Vector> vec)
// return true if its Vector and false otherwise
Because of type erasure, this is not possible.
Even if the vector is not empty, the collections library gives no real protection against putting things of different types in:
Vector v = new Vector();
will run without error and nicely print the string value that shouldn't have been allowed.
Thus any attempt to determine the generic type at run-time, even by checking the type of the first element, is not reliable.
What you can do in your own generic code is to add a constructor argument and a field holding the value, so that your code does know the type at runtime.
This tactic would be difficult to apply to the entire collections library, but a start at it for Vector
would be:
public class TypedVector extends Vector {
private Class genericClass;
public TypedVector(Class clazz) {
this.genericClass = clazz;
// many other constructors ... but probably not all of them
public Class> getGenericClass() {
return genericClass;
public boolean add(E e) {
if (!(genericClass.isAssignableFrom(e.getClass())))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect class");
return super.add(e);
// many other overrides for run-time type safety