I am following this tutorial on image hashing.
So far I have achieved the following:
private async Task ProcessI
Your ConvertToGrayAsync
method should simply return the converted WriteableBitmap. The pixel conversion code inside the loop could also be simplified, and the method does not need to operate on a source and destination buffer. It could as well manipulate the pixel values in place.
private async Task ConvertToGrayAsync(WriteableBitmap srcBitmap)
var pixels = srcBitmap.PixelBuffer.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i += 4)
var b = pixels[i];
var g = pixels[i + 1];
var r = pixels[i + 2];
var f = (byte)(0.21 * r + 0.71 * g + 0.07 * b);
pixels[i] = f;
pixels[i + 1] = f;
pixels[i + 2] = f;
var dstBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(srcBitmap.PixelWidth, srcBitmap.PixelHeight);
using (var pixelStream = dstBitmap.PixelBuffer.AsStream())
await pixelStream.WriteAsync(pixels, 0, pixels.Length);
return dstBitmap;
The following method loads a WriteableBitmap with a predefined size:
private async Task LoadWriteableBitmapAsync(
StorageFile file, int width, int height)
using (var fileStream = await file.OpenReadAsync())
using (var memoryStream = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream())
var decoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(fileStream);
var transform = new BitmapTransform
ScaledWidth = (uint)width,
ScaledHeight = (uint)height,
InterpolationMode = BitmapInterpolationMode.Cubic
var pixelData = await decoder.GetPixelDataAsync(
BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Straight, transform,
var pixels = pixelData.DetachPixelData();
var encoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(
BitmapEncoder.PngEncoderId, memoryStream);
BitmapPixelFormat.Bgra8, BitmapAlphaMode.Straight,
(uint)width, (uint)height, 96, 96, pixels);
await encoder.FlushAsync();
var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(width, height);
await bitmap.SetSourceAsync(memoryStream);
return bitmap;
Your ProcessImageAsync
method would now look like this:
private async Task ProcessImageAsync(
StorageFile file, int width, int height)
return await ConvertToGrayAsync(
await LoadWriteableBitmapAsync(file, width, height));