I have been searching for a way to extract images from access forms. A search on Google will nearly always point to OLEtoDisk. This software allows to export images stor
Finally here is the code that worked as intended : Export a PNG image from a form's Image control.
Public Function savePict(pImage As Access.Image)
Dim fname As String 'The name of the file to save the picture to
fname = Environ("Temp") + "\temp.png" ' Destination file path
Dim iFileNum As Double
iFileNum = FreeFile 'The next free file from the file system
Dim pngImage As String 'Stores the image data as a string
pngImage = StrConv(pImage.PictureData, vbUnicode) 'Convert the byte array to a string
'Writes the string to the file
Open fname For Binary Access Write As iFileNum
Put #iFileNum, , pngImage
Close #iFileNum
End Function