I have a ListView in LargeIcon View in C# 2008 System Windows Forms. Now I would like to move an item of this ListView within the same ListView on another p
In fact the feature you talk about is not supported by Winforms not C#. C# has nothing to do with such a feature; it's a UI technology feature not a language feature. However, to solve this, we have little code here. It supports the Position
property for each ListViewItem
to use for that purpose (in LargeIcon
view). Another important property is AutoArrange
, this should be set to false
to allow the Position
to take effect. Here is the code:
ListViewItem heldDownItem;
Point heldDownPoint;
//MouseDown event handler for your listView1
private void listView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
//listView1.AutoArrange = false;
heldDownItem = listView1.GetItemAt(e.X,e.Y);
if (heldDownItem != null) {
heldDownPoint = new Point(e.X - heldDownItem.Position.X,
e.Y - heldDownItem.Position.Y);
//MouseMove event handler for your listView1
private void listView1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (heldDownItem != null){
heldDownItem.Position = new Point(e.Location.X - heldDownPoint.X,
e.Location.Y - heldDownPoint.Y);
//MouseUp event handler for your listView1
private void listView1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
heldDownItem = null;
//listView1.AutoArrange = true;
NOTE: as you can see, I let 2 commented code lines listView1.AutoArrange
there, if you want to reorder
instead of changing the ListViewItem
position you can uncomment those lines. I can notice some flicker here (this is normal when you deal with a winforms ListView), so you should use this code (can be placed in the form constructor) to enable DoubleBuffered
System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic |
.SetValue(listView1, true, null);