I am trying to find the shortest and longest string value based on length and im getting stuck. As of now the script exits after the writeline. I think the code needs some h
Here's a generic extension method you can use (efficiency O(n)):
public static class Extensions{
// assumes that supply a Func that will return an int to compare by
public static Tuple MaxMin(this IEnumerable sequence, Func propertyAccessor){
int min = int.MaxValue;
int max = int.MinValue;
T maxItem = default(T);
T minItem = default(T);
foreach (var i in sequence)
var propertyValue = propertyAccessor(i);
if (propertyValue > max){
max = propertyValue;
maxItem = i;
if (propertyValue < min){
min = propertyValue;
minItem = i;
return Tuple.Create(maxItem, minItem);
// max will be stored in first, min in second
var maxMin = word.MaxMin(s => s.Length);