I would like to measure rssi value of modem.Is there any api to get rssi value for Windows?I used to do that with Wifi.Manager in android.But i couldn\'t find any api for W
Using Native code is the best. You will need to use WlanQueryInterface() with wlan_intf_opcode_rssi opcode which will return RSSI value as LONG data type. From there you can convert it to dbm.
DWORD WINAPI WlanQueryInterface(
__in HANDLE hClientHandle,
__in const GUID *pInterfaceGuid,
__reserved PVOID pReserved,
__out PDWORD pdwDataSize,
__out PVOID *ppData,
__out_opt PWLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE pWlanOpcodeValueType
Here using opcode wlan_intf_opcode_rssi you will get RSSI value:
WLAN_INTF_OPCODE >> wlan_intf_opcode_rssi >> LONG
Here is the C++ sample on how to start with:
If you want C# Try this: How to get SSID and RSSI for Win7 using C#