I\'m using EdgesHelper on a simple model that I exported from SketchUp. It is showing some diagonal lines like this:
You are rendering both the model and the edges helper in a scene without lights. Remove the model and you can see the helper clearly. All edges are rendered properly.
The reason for the extra edges is because you have two edges concurrent in your model -- a short edge and a long edge. You need to change your geometry. This is not a problem with three.js
If you want to show the edges, but have hidden edges truly hidden, you need to make use of the webgl feature polygonOffset
. You can use a pattern similar to the following:
var mesh = dae.children[0].children[0];
mesh.scale.set( 20, 20, 20 );
// replace the material
mesh.material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
color: 0x000000,
polygonOffset: true,
polygonOffsetFactor: 1, // positive value pushes polygon further away
polygonOffsetUnits: 1
} );
scene.add( mesh )
var helper = new THREE.EdgesHelper( mesh, 0xffffff );
helper.material.linewidth = 2;
scene.add( helper );
updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/6vLm5xsa/15/
three.js r.71