I have the following code that represents GF2 field:
trait GF2 {
def unary_- = this
def + (that: GF2): GF2
def * (that: GF2): GF2
def / (that: GF2)
Look at the signature of sum
def sum[B >: A](implicit num: Numeric[B]): B
I was about to suggest that you make GF2
a member of Numeric
typeclass by providing and implicit value of type Numeric[GF2]
, but then I looked at the definition of Numeric
and realized that it contains a ton of operations completely irrelevant to summation that you would have to implement.
I don't like this, I think sum
method should require some more abstract typeclass (a monoid, perhaps?).
So, I think your best option (unless you want to implement entire Numeric
instance) is to use either reduce
(will work only with non-empty lists) or fold
yourList.reduce(_ + _)
yourList.fold(Zero)(_ + _)