I have a load of 3 hour MP3 files, and every ~15 minutes a distinct 1 second sound effect is played, which signals the beginning of a new chapter.
Is it possible to
This might not be an answer, it's just where I got to before I start researching the answers by @jonnor and @paul-john-leonard.
I was looking at the Spectrograms you can get by using librosa stft
and amplitude_to_db
, and thinking that if I take the data that goes in to the graphs, with a bit of rounding, I could potentially find the 1 sound effect being played:
The code I've written below kind of works; although it:
Does return quite a few false positives, which might be fixed by tweaking the parameters of what is considered a match.
I would need to replace the librosa functions with something that can parse, round, and do the match checks in one pass; as a 3 hour audio file causes python to run out of memory on a computer with 16GB of RAM after ~30 minutes before it even got to the rounding bit.
import sys
import numpy
import librosa
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
source_path = sys.argv[1]
sample_path = sys.argv[2]
print('Missing source and sample files as arguments');
print('Load files')
source_series, source_rate = librosa.load(source_path) # The 3 hour file
sample_series, sample_rate = librosa.load(sample_path) # The 1 second file
source_time_total = float(len(source_series) / source_rate);
print('Parse Data')
source_data_raw = librosa.amplitude_to_db(abs(librosa.stft(source_series, hop_length=64)))
sample_data_raw = librosa.amplitude_to_db(abs(librosa.stft(sample_series, hop_length=64)))
sample_height = sample_data_raw.shape[0]
print('Round Data') # Also switches X and Y indexes, so X becomes time.
def round_data(raw, height):
length = raw.shape[1]
data = [];
range_length = range(1, (length - 1))
range_height = range(1, (height - 1))
for x in range_length:
x_data = []
for y in range_height:
# neighbours = []
# for a in [(x - 1), x, (x + 1)]:
# for b in [(y - 1), y, (y + 1)]:
# neighbours.append(raw[b][a])
# neighbours = (sum(neighbours) / len(neighbours));
# x_data.append(round(((raw[y][x] + raw[y][x] + neighbours) / 3), 2))
x_data.append(round(raw[y][x], 2))
return data
source_data = round_data(source_data_raw, sample_height)
sample_data = round_data(sample_data_raw, sample_height)
sample_data = sample_data[50:268] # Temp: Crop the sample_data (318 to 218)
source_length = len(source_data)
sample_length = len(sample_data)
sample_height -= 2;
source_timing = float(source_time_total / source_length);
print('Process series')
hz_diff_match = 18 # For every comparison, how much of a difference is still considered a match - With the Source, using Sample 2, the maximum diff was 66.06, with an average of ~9.9
hz_match_required_switch = 30 # After matching "start" for X, drop to the lower "end" requirement
hz_match_required_start = 850 # Out of a maximum match value of 1023
hz_match_required_end = 650
hz_match_required = hz_match_required_start
source_start = 0
sample_matched = 0
x = 0;
while x < source_length:
hz_matched = 0
for y in range(0, sample_height):
diff = source_data[x][y] - sample_data[sample_matched][y];
if diff < 0:
diff = 0 - diff
if diff < hz_diff_match:
hz_matched += 1
# print(' {} Matches - {} @ {}'.format(sample_matched, hz_matched, (x * source_timing)))
if hz_matched >= hz_match_required:
sample_matched += 1
if sample_matched >= sample_length:
print(' Found @ {}'.format(source_start * source_timing))
sample_matched = 0 # Prep for next match
hz_match_required = hz_match_required_start
elif sample_matched == 1: # First match, record where we started
source_start = x;
if sample_matched > hz_match_required_switch:
hz_match_required = hz_match_required_end # Go to a weaker match requirement
elif sample_matched > 0:
# print(' Reset {} / {} @ {}'.format(sample_matched, hz_matched, (source_start * source_timing)))
x = source_start # Matched something, so try again with x+1
sample_matched = 0 # Prep for next match
hz_match_required = hz_match_required_start
x += 1