Working with tables in python-docx

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逝去的感伤 2021-01-15 02:57

I have a small question about working with opened docx-file. This is part of my code:

doc = Document(self.fileName[0])

for paragraph in doc.paragraphs:

  •  再見小時候
    2021-01-15 03:15

    This code will work for this:

    ###Import all necessary packages
    from docx.opc.constants import RELATIONSHIP_TYPE as RT
    from docx import *
    from docx.text.paragraph import Paragraph
    from docx.text.paragraph import Run
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    from docx.document import Document as doctwo
    from docx.oxml.table import CT_Tbl
    from docx.oxml.text.paragraph import CT_P
    from docx.table import _Cell, Table
    from docx.text.paragraph import Paragraph
    from docx.shared import Pt
    from docxcompose.composer import Composer
    from docx import Document as Document_compose
    import pandas as pd
    from xml.etree import ElementTree
    from io import StringIO
    import io
    import csv
    import base64
    #Load the docx file into document object. You can input your own docx file in this step by changing the input path below:
    document = Document('/Users/karthick/Desktop/iclouddrive/Work/QA/microchip datasheets/22100F-converted-latest.docx')
    ##This function extracts the tables and paragraphs from the document object
    def iter_block_items(parent):
        Yield each paragraph and table child within *parent*, in document order.
        Each returned value is an instance of either Table or Paragraph. *parent*
        would most commonly be a reference to a main Document object, but
        also works for a _Cell object, which itself can contain paragraphs and tables.
        if isinstance(parent, doctwo):
            parent_elm = parent.element.body
        elif isinstance(parent, _Cell):
            parent_elm = parent._tc
            raise ValueError("something's not right")
        for child in parent_elm.iterchildren():
            if isinstance(child, CT_P):
                yield Paragraph(child, parent)
            elif isinstance(child, CT_Tbl):
                yield Table(child, parent)
    #This function extracts the table from the document object as a dataframe
    def read_docx_tables(tab_id=None, **kwargs):
        parse table(s) from a Word Document (.docx) into Pandas DataFrame(s)
            filename:   file name of a Word Document
            tab_id:     parse a single table with the index: [tab_id] (counting from 0).
                        When [None] - return a list of DataFrames (parse all tables)
            kwargs:     arguments to pass to `pd.read_csv()` function
        Return: a single DataFrame if tab_id != None or a list of DataFrames otherwise
        def read_docx_tab(tab, **kwargs):
            vf = io.StringIO()
            writer = csv.writer(vf)
            for row in tab.rows:
                writer.writerow(cell.text for cell in row.cells)
            return pd.read_csv(vf, **kwargs)
    #    doc = Document(filename)
        if tab_id is None:
            return [read_docx_tab(tab, **kwargs) for tab in document.tables]
                return read_docx_tab(document.tables[tab_id], **kwargs)
            except IndexError:
                print('Error: specified [tab_id]: {}  does not exist.'.format(tab_id))
    #The combined_df dataframe will store all the content in document order including images, tables and paragraphs.
    #If the content is an image or a table, it has to be referenced from image_df for images and table_list for tables using the corresponding image or table id that is stored in combined_df
    #And if the content is paragraph, the paragraph text will be stored in combined_df
    combined_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['para_text','table_id','style'])
    table_mod = pd.DataFrame(columns=['string_value','table_id'])
    #The image_df will consist of base64 encoded image data of all the images in the document
    image_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['image_index','image_rID','image_filename','image_base64_string'])
    #The table_list is a list consisting of all the tables in the document
    imagecounter = 0
    blockxmlstring = ''
    for block in iter_block_items(document):
        if 'text' in str(block):
            isappend = False
            runboldtext = ''
            for run in block.runs:                        
                if run.bold:
                    runboldtext = runboldtext + run.text
            style = str(
            appendtxt = str(block.text)
            appendtxt = appendtxt.replace("\n","")
            appendtxt = appendtxt.replace("\r","")
            tabid = 'Novalue'
            paragraph_split = appendtxt.lower().split()                
            isappend = True
            for run in block.runs:
                xmlstr = str(run.element.xml)
                my_namespaces = dict([node for _, node in ElementTree.iterparse(StringIO(xmlstr), events=['start-ns'])])
                root = ET.fromstring(xmlstr) 
                #Check if pic is there in the xml of the element. If yes, then extract the image data
                if 'pic:pic' in xmlstr:
                    for pic in root.findall('.//pic:pic', my_namespaces):
                        cNvPr_elem = pic.find("pic:nvPicPr/pic:cNvPr", my_namespaces)
                        name_attr = cNvPr_elem.get("name")
                        blip_elem = pic.find("pic:blipFill/a:blip", my_namespaces)
                        embed_attr = blip_elem.get("{}embed")
                        isappend = True
                        appendtxt = str('Document_Imagefile/' + name_attr + '/' + embed_attr + '/' + str(imagecounter))
                        document_part = document.part
                        image_part = document_part.related_parts[embed_attr]
                        image_base64 = base64.b64encode(image_part._blob)
                        image_base64 = image_base64.decode()                            
                        dftemp = pd.DataFrame({'image_index':[imagecounter],'image_rID':[embed_attr],'image_filename':[name_attr],'image_base64_string':[image_base64]})
                        image_df = image_df.append(dftemp,sort=False)
                        style = 'Novalue'
                    imagecounter = imagecounter + 1
        elif 'table' in str(block):
            isappend = True
            style = 'Novalue'
            appendtxt = str(block)
            tabid = i
            dfs = read_docx_tables(tab_id=i)
            dftemp = pd.DataFrame({'para_text':[appendtxt],'table_id':[i],'style':[style]})
            table_mod = table_mod.append(dftemp,sort=False)
        if isappend:
                dftemp = pd.DataFrame({'para_text':[appendtxt],'table_id':[tabid],'style':[style]})
    combined_df = combined_df.reset_index(drop=True)
    image_df = image_df.reset_index(drop=True)

    You can refer to this link for a detailed explanation of how the code works:
