I am trying to implement an \"object picker\" to my Selenium based framework as is common on most commercial automation tools. To do this I am using a Javascript command to
The code from alecxe works in most cases, but it will fail if the page contains frames or iframes.
Much more code is required to respect also frames / iframes.
/// Get the element at the viewport coordinates X, Y
static public RemoteWebElement GetElementFromPoint(RemoteWebDriver i_Driver, int X, int Y)
while (true)
String s_Script = "return document.elementFromPoint(arguments[0], arguments[1]);";
RemoteWebElement i_Elem = (RemoteWebElement)i_Driver.ExecuteScript(s_Script, X, Y);
if (i_Elem == null)
return null;
if (i_Elem.TagName != "frame" && i_Elem.TagName != "iframe")
return i_Elem;
Point p_Pos = GetElementPosition(i_Elem);
X -= p_Pos.X;
Y -= p_Pos.Y;
/// Get the position of the top/left corner of the Element in the document.
/// NOTE: RemoteWebElement.Location is always measured from the top of the document and ignores the scroll position.
static public Point GetElementPosition(RemoteWebElement i_Elem)
String s_Script = "var X, Y; "
+ "if (window.pageYOffset) " // supported by most browsers
+ "{ "
+ " X = window.pageXOffset; "
+ " Y = window.pageYOffset; "
+ "} "
+ "else " // Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8
+ "{ "
+ " var Elem = document.documentElement; " // node (IE with DOCTYPE)
+ " if (!Elem.clientHeight) Elem = document.body; " // node (IE in quirks mode)
+ " X = Elem.scrollLeft; "
+ " Y = Elem.scrollTop; "
+ "} "
+ "return new Array(X, Y);";
RemoteWebDriver i_Driver = (RemoteWebDriver)i_Elem.WrappedDriver;
This should be implemented in the WebDriver.