I have a dataframe object, and among the fields in it, I have a dates:
I need to add a column which is \'Week Starting\', i.e.
How about just subtracting from the dates the number of days required to get to the previous Monday? e.g if your data is
dates <- as.Date(c("2000-07-12", "2005-02-19", "2010-09-01"))
# [1] "Wednesday" "Saturday" "Wednesday"
then you can compare this to a vector
wdays <- setNames(0:6, c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"))
and subtract the required number of days from each date, ie
dates - wdays[weekdays(dates)]
# Wednesday Saturday Wednesday
#"2000-07-10" "2005-02-14" "2010-08-30"
will give the dates of the Monday preceding each date in dates
. To test:
weekdays(dates - wdays[weekdays(dates)])
#Wednesday Saturday Wednesday
# "Monday" "Monday" "Monday"
Everything can be written also in one line as
dates - match(weekdays(dates), c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")) + 1
#"2000-07-10" "2005-02-14" "2010-08-30"