I have the following piece of html code for form checkboxes
Quote OP:
"I want to make sure that at least one of the check boxes is selected."
If you want to use the jQuery Validate plugin, and all checkboxes have a different name
, simply use the require_from_group
method that's part of the additional-methods.js file.
Since you already have a common class on these checkboxes called require-one
, it's even easier.
rules: {
fieldname: {
require_from_group: [1, '.require-one']
// declare same rule on all eight checkboxes
However, rather than declare all eight of these within .validate()
, you can use the .rules('add')
method inside of a jQuery .each()
to declare them all at once.
$('.require-one').each(function () {
$(this).rules('add', {
require_from_group: [1, this],
messages: {
require_from_group: "please check one"
Then to combine all eight messages into one, use the groups
groups: { // combine these error messages into one
checkboxes: 'allwines beer redwines cider whitewines spirits sparkling fortified'
Working DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/JVWu2/1/
Placing your error message into the #error_msg3
error box is no different than placing any of your other jQuery Validate messages.