I have text File of Size 230MB. I want to Count Number of Lines OF that File.
I tried \"Scripting.FileSystemOblect
\" but it goes out Of
Normal Windows line breaks are CRLF, so you can count the LFs and add 1 to the count in cases where the last line of your files doesn't have one after it.
In true VB (i.e. VB5, VB6, etc.) you can make use of the byte-oriented String operations to speed many tasks. If we can assume the text files contain ANSI then this is pretty fast:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Main()
Const BUFSIZE As Long = 100000
Dim T0 As Single
Dim LfAnsi As String
Dim F As Integer
Dim FileBytes As Long
Dim BytesLeft As Long
Dim Buffer() As Byte
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim BufPos As Long
Dim LineCount As Long
T0 = Timer()
LfAnsi = StrConv(vbLf, vbFromUnicode)
F = FreeFile(0)
Open "big.txt" For Binary Access Read As #F
FileBytes = LOF(F)
ReDim Buffer(BUFSIZE - 1)
BytesLeft = FileBytes
Do Until BytesLeft = 0
If BufPos = 0 Then
If BytesLeft < BUFSIZE Then ReDim Buffer(BytesLeft - 1)
Get #F, , Buffer
strBuffer = Buffer 'Binary copy of bytes.
BytesLeft = BytesLeft - LenB(strBuffer)
BufPos = 1
End If
Do Until BufPos = 0
BufPos = InStrB(BufPos, strBuffer, LfAnsi)
If BufPos > 0 Then
LineCount = LineCount + 1
BufPos = BufPos + 1
End If
Close #F
'Add 1 to LineCount if last line of your files do not
'have a trailing CrLf.
MsgBox "Counted " & Format$(LineCount, "#,##0") & " lines in" & vbNewLine _
& Format$(FileBytes, "#,##0") & " bytes of text." & vbNewLine _
& Format$(Timer() - T0, "0.0#") & " seconds."
End Sub
Given a 7,000,000 line file of 293MB it only takes 0.7 seconds here. But note that I had not rebooted to ensure that the file wasn't cached when I ran that test. Without caching (i.e. after a reboot) I'd expect it to take as long as 5 times that.
Converting to handle Unicode text files is fairly simple. Just replace the B-functions by the non-B equivalents, make sure you set BUFSIZE to a multiple of 2, and search for vbLf
instead of an ANSI LF byte.