I wanted to start a Glassfish 4.1.1-Server on Windows 7 with JAVA 8 JDK 66, but my command asadmin start-domain failed. This seems to be an obscure error because I get a pre
I had same problem, same messages (might be different cause), I solved it by moving (unzip) Glassfish folder to a different location. The problem was that when I unziped GlassFish.zip on C:\ the folder's owner was "Administrator". By unzipping it in a different location (like c:\servers\GlassFish), the owner was my regular user. Plus I changed port="8080" and "8181" (to a 8060, 8061 in my case). My glassFish domain started successfully afterwards, I don't know which of those changes fixed it, and I don't care anymore.